Mousezoom x
Mousezoom x

I just bought an Apple Magic Mouse for use with my iMac, and you can use it to zoom in/out just like you can use a mouse with a scrollwheel. A lot of times I’ll find myself making text larger in Firefox by changing the font size ( + to make the font larger, - to make it smaller), but I prefer this Mac zoom-in/zoom-out approach. Again, hold down the key, but this time take two fingers and swipe upwards on the trackpad area to zoom in, then use your two fingers to swipe downwards to zoom out.

mousezoom x

You can also zoom in and zoom out your screen on a MacBook Pro trackpad. Zoom Out: Press the key and scroll down with the mouse. Zoom In: Press the key and scroll up with the mouse. To summarize, here are the Mac/iMac screen zoom commands:

#Mousezoom x how to

Note: If this doesn’t work on your system, scroll down to the “Not working?” section below, where I describe how to fix this problem. The entire Mac screen zooms in and out, just like the “software zoom” on a digital camera. If you’re using a Mac desktop system (iMac or Mac Pro) with a keyboard and a mouse with a mousewheel, just press and hold the key, then scroll the mousewheel up and down, and you’ll see what I mean. Note that this solution has been tested on macOS (formerly Mac OS X) systems from OS X 10.6 through macOS 10.14. The solutions are shown in the sections that follow.

mousezoom x

Yes, you can “zoom in” or “zoom out” your Mac screen. MacOS screen zooming FAQ: Is there a way I can zoom in and zoom out my Mac screen (iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini)?

Mousezoom x